Today we will look at finding fractions of numbers.
If we want to find 1/2 of 10 we just divide by 2
If we want to find 1/4 of 8 we divide by 4
If we want to find 1/10 of 20 we divide by 10
But what if we want to find 3/10 of 20?
First we divide by 10, then we multiply by 3
Solve these sums, note that questions 6 to 10 require you to add or multiply decimal numbers:
1) 3/4 of 8 = 6) 3/10 of 15 =
2) 4/5 of 15 = 7) 4/10 of 23 =
3) 5/6 of 24 = 8) 11/100 of 200 =
4) 7/8 of 80 = 9) 7/100 of 120 =
5) 2/3 of 18 = 10) 14/100 of 50 =
You can practice more of these questions here
Questions 8,9 & 10 are fractions over 100. 11/100 also means 11%
So, 11/100 of 200 is the same as 11% of 200
Now find the answer to these questions:
11) 10% of 150 16) 12% of 1200
12) 20% of 200 17) 15% of 300
13) 25% of 100 18) 90% of 900
14) 30% of 150 19) 17% of 200
15) 40% of 200 20) 36% of 500
And, of course, you can have percentages more than 100
If 100% of 10 is 10, then 200% of 10 is 20
Find the answers to these questions
21) 200% of 17
22) 150% of 20
23) 250% of 50
24) 300% of 120
25) 1000% of 52.5
Socrative Quiz
Fraction Bingo